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Hornby - R8221 Track Extension Pack A - OO Scale
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Extend your train set in easy and affordable steps by adding the Hornby Track Packs and Track Mat Accessory Packs all the way to the full layout pictured on your TrakMat scenic underlay sheet.
This item is suitable for the R8217 Hornby TrakMat and the Hornby MidiMat TrakMat
Extension Pack A Contains:
1 x R600 Standard Straight
2 x R601 Double Straight
1 x R606 Second Radius Standard Curve
1 x R8072 Left Hand Standard Point
1 x R083 Buffer Stop
Add Extension Pack A to the Starter Oval supplied with the smaller Hornby Train Sets to make the track layout shown.
The contents of Extension Pack A are shown in blue.
This item replaces R9075 Thomas Track Pack A. It contains exactly the same items but in new packaging.